1. The application of yogurt with lactobacillus - A yogurt with live and active lactobacilli can fully restore the natural pH and acidity of the vagina. You can apply directly through a plastic applicator. This will help the stability of good and bad bacteria in the vagina and can eliminate bacterial vaginosis. For this, the treatment three times a day until symptoms subside. Do not forget to wash after 20 to 30 minutes of application.
2. Acidophilus vaginal suppositories and capsules - Place the prescribed suppositories acidophilus directly into the vagina. You may be able to add a teaspoon of acidophilus in two cups of warm water showers and H2O on the inside of your vagina. It is an approximation of the balance outstanding yogurt bacteria and negative inside the vagina and without the acquisition of bacterial vaginosis.
3. Hydrogen peroxide - A cup of hydrogen peroxide 3% mixed with 2 cups warm water H2O can be used as a shower. This mixture can restore acid standards at the same time as the plants regularly with the vagina, so that the fight against infections like bacterial vaginosis and its signs and symptoms.
4. Cane Vinegar - douche developed boric acid or sugar cane vinegar mixed with warm water can also be an excellent solution to restore all the natural pH of the vagina. This type of remedy bacterial vaginosis natural and organic products to avoid harmful bacteria to multiply, or excessive growth, which could easily damage the presence of bacteria in the vagina. Even so, it may be women who are sensitive shower. Vaginal douche created by potassium iodide may be an option for this.
5th Nutritional Supplements - Dietary supplements vitamins like vitamins A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E have antioxidant properties that are unique in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Creams and ointments containing vitamin E may help relieve itching.
2. Acidophilus vaginal suppositories and capsules - Place the prescribed suppositories acidophilus directly into the vagina. You may be able to add a teaspoon of acidophilus in two cups of warm water showers and H2O on the inside of your vagina. It is an approximation of the balance outstanding yogurt bacteria and negative inside the vagina and without the acquisition of bacterial vaginosis.
3. Hydrogen peroxide - A cup of hydrogen peroxide 3% mixed with 2 cups warm water H2O can be used as a shower. This mixture can restore acid standards at the same time as the plants regularly with the vagina, so that the fight against infections like bacterial vaginosis and its signs and symptoms.
4. Cane Vinegar - douche developed boric acid or sugar cane vinegar mixed with warm water can also be an excellent solution to restore all the natural pH of the vagina. This type of remedy bacterial vaginosis natural and organic products to avoid harmful bacteria to multiply, or excessive growth, which could easily damage the presence of bacteria in the vagina. Even so, it may be women who are sensitive shower. Vaginal douche created by potassium iodide may be an option for this.
5th Nutritional Supplements - Dietary supplements vitamins like vitamins A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E have antioxidant properties that are unique in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Creams and ointments containing vitamin E may help relieve itching.
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