Friday, 9 September 2011

A Glass A Day May Be Good For Women's Health

Having an alcoholic drink or two a day may reduce the risk of women for chronic diseases, mental disorders and other diseases in their sunset years, according to a new study from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests.

Women between 15 to 50 who drink three alcoholic beverages a week have up to 29 percent more likely to be free of many physical illnesses and cognitive age of 70 than non-ingested reported Sept. 6.

This is a beer cocktail or a glass of wine - no matter where you get full, as long as you drink moderately, researchers say. However, women who have concentrated their weekly consumption of alcohol, only one or two days (ie, binge drinking), has seen a couple of health benefits, while those who drank five to seven days a week earning the largest reasonable fees.

This does not mean you have to drink to be healthy, of course, the authors said.

"If you are physically active, if you have a healthy body weight in their forties, you have much better odds for successful aging," said lead author Qi Sun, MD "You do not need to moderate alcohol consumption as a way to help achieve healthy aging. "

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