Monday, 26 September 2011

Fast Fat Burning Exercises Home

I'll keep rolling with another workout routine fat loss you can do from home in just 30 minutes.


Incline push ups

Squat Jump

DB bent over rows

The Calf Raise Standing

Lying Hip axis

Dumbbells Boxing



This particular training at home will be divided into three parts as follows:

PART I: 40/40/40 - Incline push-ups, bent over DB rows, the rest ... repeat x 4 (10 min total)

PART II: 40/40/40 - Standing Calf increases, pushing hip-lying, dumbbell Boxing ... repeat x 4 (10 minutes total)

PART III: 20/10 - squat jumps, rest ... repeat x 9 (5 min total)

It's 25 minutes of brutality ... Add a warm, short and cool, and you're right on this magical 30 minutes, when all is said and done.

Here's an example of what can be done: 40 / 2 and the slope of the push-up, from 40 seconds and immediately bent over DB rows, then rest 40 seconds - This is a tour ... repeat 4 times for a total of 5 rounds (or 10 minutes).

Then on the second part and the third part, the same principles.

burning exercises

The reason there is no rest period during the second part is the fact that the axes of the hip standing calf raises and lying are two years less metabolic ... and yet, most people neglect the formation of calves and underemployment of booty and hamstrings, which leads to muscular imbalances - so I wanted to include.

When you hit a third party and start doing jumping squats, I really want to focus on the explosion through the dive, then land softly and quietly, while reducing soil immediately sink into a full squat.

Keep your chin and chest and drive in heels in the bottom position squat - you really feel the burn throughout your legs and buttocks ...

Stay focused for 30 minutes and imagine your dream body when the going gets tough ... cause it.

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