Monday, 26 September 2011

Change The Body During Pregnancy

Changing body during pregnancy can make some women as a surprise. For most women want to become pregnant is one of the biggest driving forces in life. Not surprisingly, therefore, pregnancy is a time of great satisfaction and happiness. However, it is also a time of change physically and mentally and it is important to understand these changes, if unnecessary concern not to spoil the joy. Fortunately, most women are still happy and healthy during pregnancy, but there are a few don'ts "to-do 'and' 'to hear if the physical condition and satisfaction is to stay at their peak.

Perhaps the best advice for any woman considering having a baby should be to ensure that is fit and well before starting a pregnancy. Every gardener knows that it is worth to prepare and feed the soil before planting the seeds, and so does pregnancy. The ideal that every woman should aim before becoming pregnant is to be healthy, appropriate weight, eating a proper diet, get plenty of exercise and smoking cessation.

It also helps, but it is not necessary if aged between 18 and 25 of the first child.

Body Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy associated with the construction of a child in the womb from the moment fertilized egg moves, once fully formed until the child leaves the end of the piece. All this can be done successfully, the changes occurring in the body, so that it could supply all the needs of the child's healthy growth and development.


Pregnant women are about 2 liters (4 pts) more blood than non-pregnant women who are required to provide the baby with oxygen and nutrients it needs. For more blood of the pregnant woman must produce a more essential part of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin contains iron, and to hemoglobin is needed for pregnancy, the mother-to-be pulls on the iron, usually stored in the body. If there is not enough iron in the store, the woman can not make enough hemoglobin, the blood becomes more diluted than it should be, and the woman said to be anemic. Anemia in pregnancy is mainly due to the lack of enough iron to make hemoglobin available to the additional blood cells important.

Folic acid, a component of vitamin B complex, which affects red blood cells are formed also need to build hemoglobin. Although less important than iron, folic acid deficiency can also cause anemia during pregnancy. Anemia can be detected by monitoring the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, and this is always done on several occasions during pregnancy. If anemia should be avoided, it is obviously important for pregnant women to have adequate amounts of iron and folic acid in their diet. Most women, however, take a small dose of iron and folic acid every day for twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Changes in the heart and lungs

Due to the increased amount of blood in the body, the heart must work harder during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. At the same time, the lungs are pushed by the enlarged uterus. Because of these changes, the pregnant woman loses strength more easily and are more likely to feel weak from time to time.

These are normal events of pregnancy and should not be a cause for concern. Also standard is a fast heartbeat, which can be experienced from time to time during pregnancy. These outbreaks of cardiac activity caused the sudden need for the heart to work harder to maintain increased production.

Heart failure is very rare in pregnant women, the normal heart and a woman have to worry about its ability to meet the need of increased activity during pregnancy or labor. Pregnant women who have heart disease, of course, need special care, so the heart does not have too much stress.

Changes in the kidneys and urinary system

Pregnant women drink more fluids (water, tea, coffee, juice, etc..) As a result, the kidneys produce more urine and mother-to-be is going to the bathroom to urinate more frequently. This is particularly visible in early pregnancy when the uterus presses on the bladder to expand, and at the end of pregnancy when the baby's head does the same.

Unfortunately, pregnancy is a time when the infection in the urine is more likely to occur and it is sometimes difficult for women to distinguish between frequent urination (urinating) due to pregnancy and the frequency due to infection involving the bladder (cystitis) or kidney (pyelonephritis) or both. When infection is present the urine seems to burn or sting when it goes, and it helps draw attention to infection.

CHANGES stomach and intestines

Nausea and vomiting is common in pregnancy, and this effect is due to increased hormone levels. As the pregnancy progresses, the disease disappears, and most women do not care about it 12-14 weeks. It 'takes more than that in some women, but it is rarely difficult or half stages of pregnancy. Some women find that they can relieve nausea from eating snacks between meals.

Aside from feeling bad, many women develop an increased appetite during pregnancy. The reason for this is unclear. Some foods are less attractive than others during pregnancy. Fried fatty foods is often avoided because they are more likely to cause indigestion or heartburn. Heartburn is a burning sensation behind the breastbone low and is caused by the secretion of stomach acids up to the bottom of the gullet (esophagus).

This happens because the little mechanism that is operating normally the esophagus and stomach join is less effective during pregnancy. For this reason, against splashing acid in the stomach, especially when the pregnant woman is lying flat or bending.

The desire of certain foods often occurs during pregnancy. Fruits usually high on the list of food cravings and spicy or flavored pickles, cheese or smoked fish, are also popular. Cravings may also include implausible elements, such as coal, soap and toothpaste! The intestine is likely to be slow during pregnancy and constipation is very common in both. Unless that constipation causes discomfort which can be ignored.

Changes in the mouth

The gums may become swollen and a bit spongy in pregnancy and may bleed more easily than normal. Contrary to popular belief, the teeth lose calcium during pregnancy, even if the pregnant woman's diet is deficient in calcium. Pregnancy therefore can not directly damage teeth. It is, however, appear to increase the risk of caries onset and increase the existing degree of deterioration. Dental visits, therefore. especially important right now.

Another common belief is that women are more saliva than normal during pregnancy. But by measuring the amount of saliva secreted does not support this idea. One possible explanation is that because some mothers feel sick they can not swallow his saliva, and therefore has a surplus in his mouth.

Changes in bone and] OINTS

Pregnancy hormones cause the softening of the ligaments surrounding the joints, especially in the back and pelvis. This loosening of the joint back and pelvis, and the stress of walking with weight gain in infants, often causes back pain and sacroiliac joint pain in the back joins the pelvis. The pain, back or pelvis, often is blamed for the baby "by pressure on a nerve, but is more likely that the effect of pregnancy on bone and joint responsibility.

Skin changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the blood vessels of the skin are more open than normal and this leads to skin a sensation of heat. This heat is comforting in cold weather and can lead to discrepancies between husband and wife on the width of the camera window is kept open! In warm climates, the heat is less welcome.

The skin of the body part in the change, including the skin covering the nose. The increased blood flow can cause nosebleeds here occasionally, or if the coating thickens skin for change, a tendency to snore. For this reason, the poor husband can not only be cold at night, but kept awake!

Some women complain that they are more vulnerable to skin blemishes and spots during pregnancy, but for most, the skin is kept in good condition. Some parts of the skin pigmentation, especially on the face around the eyes and stomach, as has been suggested as a sign of pregnancy.


The hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy, but it's usually not a problem. However, this means that when the pregnancy is completed, the excess hair will fall. Not surprisingly, this can cause anxiety, but it is a normal happening that never leads to baldness.

CHANGES IN breasts

A feeling of fullness and tenderness in the breasts is an early symptom of pregnancy and is followed by enlargement of the breasts as pregnancy progresses. The expansion is due to an increase in the size and quantity of milk-secreting glands and also to increase the amount of fat around the chest. Due to this increase in size during pregnancy is recommended, use a comfortable bra that gives good support to the chest. The secretion of normal milk after the baby is treated in the next lactation.

Pregnancy psychological changes

Whole books have been written about the psychological changes during pregnancy. But simply there is no golden rule applies to them. Many factors must be taken into account, but the two most important are whether the child is wanted and, later, as the expectant mother is worried about the outcome of the pregnancy - that is,

* Will the baby be normal?

* I will survive / endure / enjoy the work?

* What will I be able to deal with the baby?

Does my spouse / partner still love me? etc

In general, one can conclude that attitudes toward life tend to be exaggerated in pregnancy - the woman is happy happy woman cares more anxious and depressed woman becomes even more depressed. Most women, happy, therefore, that the body changes during pregnancy is a time of increased happiness, but even they can sometimes become anxious and depressed for no apparent reason a lot. Assuming that the mother-to-be understand that mood swings are normal, no results of evil, and some comfort a sympathetic understanding of man is often the only treatment that she needs.

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