Sunday, 11 September 2011

Benefits Of Bee Pollen, You Should Know

You have certainly heard a lot about the benefits of pollen. Although you probably think it's just a health fad. Well, the opposite is actually true, in fact, that the health supplement, has been for centuries. This is the stuff of ancient Greeks called the nectar of the gods. They did not know exactly what it was, but they are new, keeps healthy, virile and stronger than any other edible substance in nature.

Pollen benefits are few. Serve this amazing food for the whole family to help maintain healthy and strong. It just makes sense that we can really share these wonderful benefits to those they love most.

The only drawback is that in fact many doctors say that less than two years of age should not be given the pollen. Even then, what you do not say it is only by a concern for the child is actually an allergic reaction.

Why so serious? This would not be a true sign of incredible health benefits without pollen that information on the risks of taking bee pollen. This risk factor is not recommended for children under the two sets. It has to do with the dangers of an allergic reaction. Most reactions to pollen is a mild, but in some cases, people have been known to go to anaphylactic shock.

Before the benefits of bee pollen that will tell you what to look for and how to avoid more severe symptoms. First, what is anaphylaxis, is actually a severe form of hypersensitivity to a substance. The symptoms are so fast and rapid progress, which could cause death. What to look for? According to the Mayo Clinic, you will see symptoms like this:

A feeling of being too hot in that suddenlyFeeling as there is a lump in throatHives with (these are always present with anaphylaxis) itching, redness or light constriction of the airways, swelling of tongue or feel like you're throatThe doomedThe pulse is weak, but rapidDiarrhea, nausea or vomitingDizziness followed by faintingNow think it's a bad thing and it's true, but if you go with a supplement, it is necessary to first test to see if there is a reaction. With this in mind, and because I'm serious about this food as a supplement, I will give you what you need to test the family.

This is called a tolerance test, and it's really very simple.

1. Start by placing a tablet under the tongue. We put it here because the mucous membranes, which allow for faster absorption.

2. When the granules are completely absorbed in, observe each person to one of the above symptoms. They can be mild or severe, if symptoms are present, you are free to take the next step.

3. Add another bead and do what you did before, continue adding beads and checking for signs of allergy until you reach the amount that would make a full serving. By adding one at a time you can see how the body can tolerate pollen.

Why am I telling you all this because I am a strong advocate of people enjoy the benefits of bee pollen. It's very simple, I think that a person must make an informed choice. You can find the complete list of proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, 96 of them appearing all over the Internet. Anyone who sells this amazing food that will design for you.

Not only test, but should also be aware of where it comes from the pollen. Highly industrialized countries have a large amount of toxins floating in the air and falls on the flowers of plants. Buy only the pollen from a source that can harvest the pollen cleaner.

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